Interview – Corey Baker, Cardinals Prospect & Member of Team Israel

Corey Baker Is Still On a High From Representing Israel in the World Baseball Classic

Many of our readers will not know the name Corey Baker. Baker is a pitching prospect in the St. Louis Cardinals’ system. He reached Triple-A last season after being drafted in the 49th round of the 2011 MLB Amateur Draft. He was a former standout at Pitt as well.

Normally, an interview featuring a Cardinals prospect may be sacrilege on these pages, but today we’re happy to share an interview with Baker culled mainly from his time representing Team Israel in the World Baseball Classic. Despite its many detractors, the WBC has been an exciting tournament, and part of that was Israel’s remarkable run. Entering the tournament at 200-1 odds to win and dubbed “The Jamaican Bobsled Team of the WBC” by ESPN, Israel shocked many by going 3-0 to sweep their pool in the first round. Though their journey fell short with a 1-2 showing – with a win against fifth-ranked Cuba – in the next round of play, Israel made incredible in-roads towards respectability as a baseball outfit, and has already qualified for 2021.

Corey Baker was a part of this magical Israeli team – one that will be documented by Ironbound Films – and he shared his experiences with Pirates Breakdown Radio:

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Interview - Corey Baker, Cardinals Prospect & Member of Team Israel Interview - Corey Baker, Cardinals Prospect & Member of Team Israel

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