Cougs Losing D-line Recruit to SC?


Henderson looked like a real sleeper “get”, good size and quickness off the edge, the typical 2-star recruit that they bring in, add some weight and suddenly he becomes a top-flight pass rushing d-tackle or something along those lines. But man, it’s SC!

Cougs Losing D-line Recruit to SC?

How can you say no to that??? 🙂

He’ll be wined and dined this weekend, told how wonderful he is repeatedly, and if he doesn’t commit to SC it’ll be a major upset! But as the link says, we’ll see. Remember, J-Stewart went on his visit down there and was told how great he was, the student body chanted his name, the whole deal, and he stuck to his 2 finalists of Oregon and WSU. It’s not for everyone.

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