Could this be the last of the Vikings?

Could this be the last of the Vikings?

With the season almost upon us (730!) There is a story just lurking in the background that people aren’t addressing. There is a slight chance that this could be the last we see of the Vikings in Minnesota.
It’s no secret to anyone who doesn’t want to sit around in denial; Zygi Wilf would move the team at the drop of a hat, if it means more money for him. He is a business man, first and foremost, and has no affiliation or loyalty to Minnesota, aside from the fact that he owns the football team. He is in it to make money, not for Minnesota. Even if there is a new stadium built in Minnesota, the thought is that the state will require Wilf to chip in. There is a stadium already built in Los Angeles, waiting for a football team. Depending on how things go with the CBA, profit sharing could be completely revamped, meaning a team in a major urban center could stand to be much more profitable than one in a town like Minneapolis, especially if that team is on the hook for part of a new stadium.And the Dome lease will soon be at it’s end.
Oh, sure, it would take a while to get everything taken care of, but after this season, it’s looking more and more like there won’t be a 2011 season, thanks to the increasing likelihood of a lockout. The CBA is being debated, which could be bad news for small market teams, and would more notably give the Vikings a two year window to plan their move to LA, without football. These two factors could mean we are experiencing the last season of the Vikings in Minnesota.
And yes, LA might be adding the Jaguars already, but why couldn’t LA support another team? New York and the Bay area do. The Raiders and Rams left when there wasn’t really anything different between a small and large market. And wouldn’t the NFL want a more interesting team than the Jaguars in Los Angeles anyways?
This isn’t something I necessarily want to happen. I don’t like the Vikings, but it doesn’t mean I wish they would go away. I’m just saying… enjoy this season, I guess.

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