Cowbell Kingdom Podcast Ep 10: Larry Coon, Author of the NBA Collective Bargaining Agreement FAQ

The lockout is upon us.  At 12:01 am EST this morning, the NBA imposed a work stoppage on its players for the first time since 1998.  NBA Salary Cap expert Larry Coon joins us on the CK Podcast to discuss where negotiations go from here and more.


  • Coon on the owners’ assertion that they’re losing money: “The financial statements for a couple of teams have seen the light of day and they paint a picture that’s somewhere in the middle.”
  • Coon on policing the mandated zero-contact between players and team officials: “You can’t be everywhere.  You can’t have spies following every player, every front office member.  It’s just not possible.  So, what I’ve heard is that the league has set a $1-million fine for any team that makes contact with players.  And I think that they’re hoping that that’s going to be enough of a deterrent that that kind of contact won’t happen.”
  • Coon on Michael Jordan’s perspective: “I’m hearing he’s one of the more hard-lined guys in this whole thing.  I think he’s one of the quote-unquote newer breed of owner.  He’s not one of the guys who bought the team three decades ago for a couple of million bucks.  He’s one of the guys who are part of a major financing operation to acquire a team for hundreds of millions of dollars and who really needs to see a fundamental turn-around in the way the league works.”

Tune-in after the jump.


Music Credit: Ronald Jenkees – Guitar Sound

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Also: Want to learn more?  Read Larry’s NBA Lockout FAQ published this morning on

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