Coyotes Sweep Wild! This team is for real people.

The boys lost to Dallas pretty bad, so what did they do for the home crowd on Monday? The beat the Oilers 6-1. And who lead the charge Monday night? Lombo! He had two goals and three assists. He had a five point game! Wowzers Lombo! Way to go!

And Pru? He got in a fight. Yes, my lil Prukins got in a fight. He looked pissed. It was only Mike Comrie but still, Prucha is a lover not a fighter.

JP was back. They talked to him before the game started. How I have missed that French-Canadian. And he was back to his usual self, hitting anyone that moved and trying to make the play. Unfortunately the injury bug got him. He just can’t seem to catch a break.

Overall it was a really great game and showed just how our guys can bounce back from a tough loss.


Then we traveled to Minnesota. This was a big one. Could we win all four games again them this season? Of course we can! Was there ever any doubt? Ok, maybe just a little when Minnesota scored that first goal…

But then who came alive? Lombo! He is apparently on a mission to score all the Upbo points by himself. He feels the need to avenge Uppy’s injury.

I still can’t believe we swept Minnesota. Do you even know how amazing that feels? I was so proud of my boys!

It would have been better had I been able to see the game. I was depending on twitter. It was on tape delay, to be aired at 10:30. Umm, some of us have to work in the morning. And what did FS-AZ have on it last night? Some dude playing a guitar. Yaaaaaah, could have played the Yotes instead!


It’s been finalized. The Coyotes will open the season in Czech. Two preseason games and one regular season game. I never had an opinion on these games before but now that they involve my team, I’m not sure I like the idea. You need to grow the fan base in Phoenix, not in Czech. I will miss three games now because they will be playing in Europe? I don’t think I like this.


I also learned that I will not be able to get season tickets again next year. This makes me incredibly sad. I really miss having my own season tickets. Oh well, hopefully I get to make it to a few select games next season.


Friday night the Coyotes will be in Colorado. But it’s also the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. Decisions. Decisions. I will probably end up watching the Coyotes. That is if it is on tv and not on tape delay.


I am not sure if I will get any updates done during the Olympic break. The parents will be in town and I will be working on the Olympic Hockey Blog. I highly recommend you check out that page for all your Olympic coverage needs! I would say I have some items in the pipeline for the Olympic break but I really don’t. I have a ton of ideas but I am saving them for the off-season. I will need lots of material for the off-season!

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