Dabbling In The Ducks

Disco DuckIt was October of 1976 and the song ‘Disco Duck’ by Rick Dees was number one.

Rick Dees?


This song wouldn’t last more than one week(no kidding) at that spot. You either loved it or hated it. Many loved it. The majority of Oregon Duck followers DNA wasn’t released quite yet.

Those of us in the mature category have long memories. The Oregon Ducks of the 21st century are a huge hit. When the Ducks dawned their five uniform look for the future, the majority of football fans couldn’t stop laughing.

Now, many colleges are copying this same uniform concept. The Oregon Ducks are headed to one of the most coveted venues in all of sports.

The Rose Bowl.

It is one of the last California treasures that hasn’t been tainted. It’s one of the California treasures that doesn’t have tagging on it. Who wouldn’t want to play there?

This year the Ducks aren’t playing for a BCS title. However it’s official, the Oregon Ducks have gone national.

Ducks gear has been spotted as far as Topeka, Kansas.

The Ducks were officially magnified during last year’s BCS game against the Auburn Tigers. We won’t discuss the outcome. This year the Oregon Ducks will play The Wisconsin Badgers.

Does anybody have a clue which Duck uniform will be worn?






Pink? Twinkie Yellow?

Anybody who has any ties to Wisconsin, knows sports is number uno. Any team in Wisconsin is followed with a magnifying glass. Wisconsin fans travel the best.

The bad news is, Wisconsin fans will probably out number Duck fans 3 to 1.

Maybe 70/30 in favor of Badger Red? The Badgers played TCU at the Famous Rose Bowl and the Horned Frog fans sat in the corner of the end zone. Badger fans make their stature known.

One thing I recommend for the Ducks is a anthem.

Yep you guessed it, that anthem would be “Disco Ducks!” 

Why this song? After all it was a one hit wonder. Are the Ducks an overnight sensation? No. Will the Ducks be contenders for a few years? No.

Those of us that remember Disco, know it was different.

It was loved or it was despised.

Disco did have a nice run in America and many enjoyed it. The Ducks bring that same mantra to the table. There is no question that the five uniform created by the Ducks has stirred up the college football world.  

In a NCAA planet where Nortre Dame, Ohio State,Michigan and USC continue to dominate jerseys sales, these little Ducks brought creativity to the maximum. 

And it ‘s good.  

Kind of like Disco good.

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