David Amber, FanHouse and Origami

David Amber, FanHouse and Origami

altopower on flickr

Believe it or not, I still write for FanHouse. I’ve been slacking, but that will soon change, beginning with today’s column: The Top 10 David Amber Columns

Over at ESPN.com David Amber writes a lot of ‘top 10 list’ type columns. So I think it’s a simple natural progression to do a top 10 list of those columns. Hopefully you enjoy it. If you really like it, feel free to print it out, take it home and paste it on the refrigerator or give it to the cat. They’ll probably enjoy it. If you have a significant other and are skilled at origami, I imagine you could get pretty creative with it as well.

And fear not! I’ll be back with something more insightful and lengthy tonight. _uacct = “UA-1868762-1”; urchinTracker();

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