David Legwand Speaks: “It’s going to be fun.”

With everyone in the nation’s capital anticipating a trade that will move some of the organization’s stockpiled depth for the mystery man behind door number three, the Senators’ latest acquisition, David Legwand, appeared on TSN 1200’s ‘The Drive’ to talk about his decision to join the Senators.

Legwand talked to hosts Steve Lloyd and Shawn Simpson about a number of different topics, but below are the ones that I found most interesting. To listen to the full interview, click here or listen to the audio embedded at the bottom of the post.

As always, my thoughts are in bold.

On the decision to come to Ottawa and how his decision to sign here played out…

“I think there was four or five teams that I was looking at (signing with) and it was just waiting to see where guys go and guys end up and what happens. And then you’ve got to look at where you’re going to play, who you’re going to play with, what (does) their team look like, what part of the league are they in – are they in the East or are they in the West? All those types of things kind of played into it and I’ve been playing 15 years in the West and then coming to the East for 20 games (per season), it’s kind of nice to be back in the East and be back to where I’m from. And seeing Ottawa and their team and having a chance to play a lot and play with some good players is going to be fun.”

Translated: the Senators provided Legwand with an opportunity to play meaningful minutes in a weak Conference that had easier travel. He doesn’t expect to center Colin Greening and Chris Neil. 

If I had to wager, my guess is that Legwand starts the season on a line with Milan Michalek and Curtis Lazar/Erik Condra. 

On the Spezza trade creating a big opening for him to help fill a void…

“Yeah, I mean obviously with Jason Spezza gone, there’s a chance to fill a big void and help the team win hockey games and I think that’s what I’m excited for. Obviously they’re a younger team and me being older at 33 (years of age) is something that helps the young guys out and being through the rigours of the NHL season is good I think to help the young guys out and keep positive, keep going forward and don’t look back. Bad things happen and you don’t let it slide two or three weeks. You’ve got to nip it in the bud, right away.”


On the excitement of coming back to play in a hockey market…

“Yeah, I think it was awesome. It was actually at the deadline, we kind of realized that when Detroit called at like one o’clock and they were in dire need of a centerman, it was something for me when Nashville wasn’t going to make the playoffs and I kind of thought to myself, I might as well go. Detroit is calling and you get a chance to put on the jersey that you always wanted to wear when you were a kid. You had that chance and you never know if you’re going to get it again and you get to do that, and the fad’s over. So it’s going to be awesome going up to Canada to play being from the Ontario Hockey League and growing up all along the 401 and 402, it’s going to be exciting.”

The fad of wearing a Detroit jersey is over and he’s excited to come to a Canadian market? Maybe he’ll be echoing “the fad’s over” if the Senators are out of the playoff picture and move him at the trade deadline. 

On the differences between the Eastern and Western Conferences…

“I think the East is a little bit more up tempo and pushes the pace a little more. The West is… the first eight to ten teams are so dominant, you can almost name your playoff teams right now. It’s going to be a tough go in the West for some of those teams and I think that’s exciting about the East. I think in the East, any team can have a chance in the East. Obviously if you get one of the first three spots in the division, it’s a goal and then you move forward.”

While it may be exciting for the player, the problem for the Senators aspiring to simply be a playoff team in a shitty Conference is that it sets the bar pretty low. 

On who he talked to about the experience of playing in Ottawa…

“Yeah, obviously with (Jason York), I played with him for years and guys that have played (in Ottawa). Everyone loves the city and the fans and those types of things. Obviously it’s a good place to play and the ownership has done a good job in keeping players there and those types of things, so I’m excited to get a chance to play in Canada. I think it’s going to be fun.”

Got to love a player who ends most of his answers with, “It’s going to be fun.”

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