Demote Lugo, please.

The results of the poll for the June swoon were basically as advertised. The terrible 1-5 skid to begin June was stopped by Curt Schilling‘s one-hitter. Since then, the Red Sox have gone 3-1, and have an off-day today to rest. They host the Colorado Rockies and San Francisco Giants at home next. These two teams have respective records of 31-32 and 28-34. Hopefully the Red Sox can put them away.

Is this a June swoon?
* Emphatically yes.
13% of all votes
* Not yet, but I’m scared it might be.
32% of all votes
* No, it’s just the way the ball has bounced these last few days.
36% of all votes
* No, it’s okay to lose some games!
19% of all votes

The new poll up is something we need to talk about.
When is Terry Francona going to yank Julio Lugo from the leadoff spot? I really want Tito to sit Lugo down and say “Yo, your speed rules, you’re great in the field, but your bat just isn’t coming around … we wanna take that pressure off, slot you in the 8 or 9, you can pick what spot, Xrisp [Edit: This was originally a typo, but I’m leaving it like that, because I think it fits him. Crisp is that bad.] takes the other. We’ll let you chill down there, get your swing back, then we’ll toss you back leadoff.”
When will this happen? It happened to Johnny Damon in 2002 and 2003. I remember that when he scuffled, Grady Little used to bat him in the bottom of the order until he got his legs under him.
Lugo’s legs are so far gone it’s not even funny anymore. We need to demote him to the bottom of the order. Now. But will it happen? I’m guessing no. I’m guessing it won’t happen until mid-July AT THE EARLIEST. What do you think?
Check the article below for some doom and gloom on the bullpen

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