Dennis the Liar at it again

Dennis the Liar at it again
You can almost picture the billboard: “Coming to Sun Devil Stadium, it’s Dennis Erickson! Tickets Going Fast, HURRY! Limited Time Engagement! He’ll be gone before you know it!”

Not exactly a shock, when he said last week that he hadn’t heard from ASU – YET – but gosh, he sure would listen if they called! Uh-huh. Dennis the Liar bails again for the next challenge. 10 months in Moscow was enough I guess. I read that it was a big recruiting weekend for Idaho on Saturday, and that he entertained several recruits during the day, then his AD told the AP on Saturday evening that he is headed to ASU after a 10-minute meeting. You stay classy Dennis!

I think this can be considered good and bad for WSU. Good from a WSU perspective in that if he would have stuck it out, Idaho might have been a handful in a couple of years, ala Boise State. But also bad from a WSU perspective, because if there is one program that Duckhater and I constantly talk about as the “sleeping giant” of the Pac-10, it’s ASU. The one thing they’ve been missing is that rock-star head coach. Think about it – a tremendous campus, incredible weather, great stadium, co-eds running WILD, etc, etc, etc. I would think that ASU’s recruiting just took a very large spike on the interest meter of several 18-year olds. And yes, he’s a liar, but, he’s a great college coach, you can’t dispute that in any way, shape or form. Be afraid, Pac-10.

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