Discussion: Was the Angel Season a Success?

The World Series starts tomorrow and guess who won’t be participating?  That’s right, the Angels.  This team had championship aspirations and came close to making good on them but just couldn’t pull it off.  As hard as they fought against the Yankees, the Halos ultimately came up shy of their expectations, but does that mean the season was a total loss or should they be proud of what they did accomplish?

Angels team photo

Do these guys deserve to be smiling after getting knocked out of the ALCS?

So, this week’s discussion for all you Angel fans is do you consider the Angels’ 2009 season a success?

A) The Angels didn’t win the World Series so the season is a total failure.  For a contending team like the Halos they can’t accept anything less.

B) Of course the season was a success, they overcame tremendous adversity, ended their jinx against the Red Sox and gave a clearly more talented Yankee team a run for their money.  The Angels have nothing to feel bad about.

C) It was a successful season, but that has to be qualified.  The team definitely made progress in advancing past Boston finally, but they had the talent to win it all so one can’t help but wonder what might have been.

SECRET OPTION D) I’m still totally distraught over the ALCS loss and will thus overreact and say the season was a total disaster and that they need to blow up the roster because they will never, ever, ever be able to win in the post-season.  Fire Scioscia!  Fire Reagins!  Trade everyone!  I am clearly taking the loss way to hard!

Let us know your thoughts and join in on the discussion by leaving a comment below.  NOTE: Comment moderation is currently turned on so I have to approve your comment if you have never made one at this blog before, but I will try and be fast about it, after that you can comment freely.  I know it is a hassle, but it is outside of my control for now.

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