Doba Denies Resignation Rumor; 2003 Video (Including Holiday Bowl)

Doba Denies Resignation Rumor; 2003 Video (Including Holiday Bowl) Not a shocker by any stretch, but, Doba has denied the resignation rumor to the Times today:

“I don’t plan to resign” Doba, 67, said Tuesday.

Even if he’s already cleaned out his office and has the motor home idling in the driveway, what is he going to say 3 days before the game? Yep, I can’t wait to blow out of this one-horse town and get back to Indy with some serious coin in the bank and 19 grandchildren waiting for me with open arms?? But seriously…..Doba’s just not the type and we’ve been saying it since midseason – it’s not in his DNA to simply quit at anything. But once again, Sterk says that his job will be evaluated at the end of the season, with no further comment.

Other points of interest on Hump-day:

  • The Times also has a story about that pesky Internet and how the different schools do – or do not – read this garbage. The thing is, the message boards or comments, it’s “safe haven” so to speak, where fans can unload with some sense of maintaining their anonymity. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it’s better that someone unleash their frustration online vs. kicking the dog, punching the walls, or much, much worse.
  • Tony Harris is dead, and we may not ever really get the cause. Some claim suicide, some have no idea. What is known is that he basically disappeared for a few weeks and witnesses claim he was asking for food or money on the street. What a sad story. Sad for him, but especially his wife with their first baby due next month. Damn.
  • Howie has a good notebook in the P-I. Specifically the margin of loss for us this year is staggering. 24 points, and that INCLUDES a pair of 3-point losses? My God that is really bad. I don’t know who said it, maybe it was Jim Walden on a post-game radio segment, but someone said that a sign of a poorly coached team is complete inconsistency from week to week. That’s a pretty hard thing to define, because often in college football the talent is wildly different from program to program, and when a thin team like our Cougs are also inexperienced in a lot of positions, the results can be pretty frightening!

Finally, to help ease the sting of the Oregon State mess on Saturday, here’s some video goodness. This is from the 2003 season, a game in which we came back from a big deficit to win 36-30. That was the game that Scott Lunde kept catching slants over the middle, remember?

That 2003 team, easily one my all-time favorite teams to watch. Boy, that defense, man oh man could they play. The swagger, the speed on the edges with Acholonu and Brown, the power up the middle with Williams and Tupai, the linebackers fly around, the DB’s were fast and aggressive and many of them are in the NFL right now (Coleman, David, Paymah and Frampton), etc, etc, etc! But pay special attention to when the Beavers have the ball and not only listen to the crowd noise, which is great, but just watch the aggressive d. Those were the days. Check it out:

The next one is the final minute, plus some post-game, of the 2003 Holiday Bowl. The video is from the broadcast, but the audio is none other than the Jim-n-Bob show! Enjoy:

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