Doctors are Straight BALLA!

Doctors are Straight BALLA!

It was his neck? Really??
AP/David Duprey

All y’all from the west side know what I’m talking about! Um… Sorry. The point is docs rock as it sounds like they patched up Richard Zednik pretty well. I think ‘patched up’ may be putting it lightly. But either way, the news is good and the worst part of the article on is this:

“So far, [Zednik] looks very good. He’s awake, oriented,” said Noor [his surgeon]. “He remembers what happened last night.”

Yeah. I’ve only seen a couple photos and I’m not going to forget this anytime soon. Imagine how HE feels. Yeesh.

And actually I think that it’s worth pointing out that this is the second major sports injury that the docs in Buffalo have dealt with in recent times. Kevin Everett of the Buffalo Bills had a horrible spinal injury back in September, but has since made a huge recovery.

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