Does The Fifth Summer League Mean More?

Jason Jones of the Sacramento Bee is quickly becoming one of my favorite in-print personalities via Twitter and his writings for the paper and their site. And he had a great post this morning on Tyreke Evans taking basketball extremely seriously.

There are no meaningless games in the eyes of this rookie.

Tyreke Evans discusses the Kings’ 2009 NBA Summer League finale as if its outcome affects his NBA future.

Win or lose today against the New York Knicks, would anyone really care if the Kings finished 1-4 or 0-5 this summer?

Well, Evans would.

“I don’t like going out there and playing for fun,” Evans said. “That ain’t what I do. I like to go out there, look good and win.”

I don’t know about you but that quote from Reke gave me chills. The more I see and hear from this kid, the more I get giddy about his pro basketball career.

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