Donald Trump Meets with Baseball Commish

For whatever reason, Donald Trump is meeting with Rob Manfred Tuesday morning.

While there’s nothing out there (yet) detailing why baseball’s commish is at Trump Tower meeting the president-elect, one has to speculate if they’ll chat about one of The Donald’s favorites topics of discussion.

Pete Rose.

For years, Trump has been championing the hit king’s reinstatement into baseball and, more importantly, his induction into the Hall of Fame.

Now, if Trump’s support of Rose looks familiar…there’s this from July 2015.

April 2015.

Two months before that.

June 2014.

January 2014

Those four separate times from December 2013.

And all the rest of the times.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I do appreciate his tenacity and willingness to stick to his beliefs. That said, I am disappointed we never did get to see Rose on “The Celebrity Apprentice”.

And, yes, I would’ve watched.

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