Bucs Owners have said they will spend money, lets give them their shot. In spite of what we’re hearing, there are people who pretty much refuse to believe that Mark Dominik and the Glazers will spend money in the Free Agent market this season. Most of that comes from fans who really, truthfully, are not long time fans who follow the team religiously. In fact, they mostly just repeat what they hear the most; especially the negative.
These are people who are not even sure what they are repeating. This morning, Dan Sileo was quoting Gerald McCoys dialogue from the broadcast the night before on
Steve Deumig, problem is he didnt hear it, he read the recap in the Tampa Bay Times, and he didnt see that half of what he was saying was said by Warren Sapp!! And Sapp IS more qualified than McCoy to say the things he did.
So all we hear on the radio is how cheap the Glazers are, so if your reading this, kudos to you for getting informed so your opinion has some weight. Bucstop.com does that for you!
The Glazers did not spend money on Free Agency last year because they, like you, and I, were sucked into the trap that was the 10-6 season. People forget the year before how much money the Glazers spent. Yes two players were our own, and they bombed, but they still spent it!
10 Million to Michael Clayton
10 million for ONE YEAR of Antonion Bryant
2 million for kicker Michael Nugent
New contract for Traded TE Kellen Winslow JR
Derrick Ward RB
again, only Winslow panned out, which may be WHY the GLazers are gun shy with Free Agency! But at the time, the Bucs went after the best Kicker, Tight End, and Running back that was out there! And they tried to get Albert Hanesworth for 100 million dollars TOO!!
The Glazers put up for Jon Gruden in 2007 too, getting some free agents to help the team get over the hump of a subpar 2006 season.
Two years before that, the Glazers spent a load of money to stock up the 2004 team for a shot at the playoffs, only these players didnt pan out like they did in 2002.
Yes, that was PRE- Manchester United, but that cash strapping that the bad timing of the purchase of Man U caused is not behind the Glazers. Bucs ownership gets a lot of money from the TV contracts, and next year gets even more money.
As far as the Glazers commitment to spending money, I agree it is high time they do so. They probably do need to SHOW first before people buy in, but its not a mystery anymore. The Glazers are showing they are listening to Bucs fans…
They fired Raheem Morris less than 24 hours after the season ended.
They told the NFL they will NOT be going back to London, seeing public apathy in that involvment which strips money from Tampa Bay where it is needed.
They hired a coach that was not a cheap hire.
So yes, the Glazers DO need to show to change our minds, but they cant do that until March, and so far, theyve told us they are going to do it. So lets give them the benefit of the doubt and give them a chance to back up what they are saying. A group of top tier Free Agents could turn the Bucs into winners in the first season.
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