DubNation Diary: A Warriors Season To Believe


Ever since I knew what basketball was, I was a Golden State Warriors fan. Through their rough years, I kept my head up and made sure that everyone knew that one day their season would come. They would break records, make records and all of these disbelievers would finally believe.

Well, that season has come. The past two seasons, they’ve played remarkably well but there were still people who didn’t think Stephen Curry and the Warriors were the real deal. This season, the Dubs are nearly unstoppable. Warriors’ new head coach, Steve Kerr, now holds the record as the first coach in NBA history to begin his head-coaching career with a record of 21-3.

Not only has Golden State won 21 out of their 24 games so far this season but they also won 16 straight games, making a new franchise-best winning streak for this amazing team.

The Warriors don’t have a full team. Starter David Lee has been out for the majority of the season due to a left hamstring injury. He has only played in one game this season, but will return tonight.

Andrew Bogut has also missed multiple games due to various injuries, including getting his right knee drained.

Bogut’s size could have helped the Dubs against the Memphis Grizzlies last Tuesday when their 16-game winning streak ended, however, these injuries haven’t had a drastic effect on the Dubs this season yet.

The 16-game win streak was the second-longest all-time for a Bay Area-based professional sports franchise, a fact that wasn’t lost with Curry, who endured the tail end of the Chris Cohan era.

“I know the history of the organization very well and (have) been a part of the growth from where we were when I first got here,” Curry told LetsGoWarriors at practice on Friday. “We have the most passionate fans in this area that have supported us (through) thick and thin and to give them something to cheer about, but also something’s the nation is taking notice of, is a big deal.”

“(The players are) very excited just because the fans have been wanting the team to be good for a long time,” said third-year center Festus Ezeli to LetsGoWarriors that same afternoon. “A lot of these fans are from a long, long time ago and they’ve been packing the house ever since, so we’re excited to be good for the fans.”

The term #DubNation has stretched beyond the Bay Area.

“Even when we travel on the road to road arenas,” Curry said, “you see a lot of Warrior gear in the stands now, which is pretty special.”

“We’re just gonna keep rolling,” Ezeli said.

Curry added, “The streak was awesome but we wanna be celebrating stuff in June and that’s kind of the next step.”

[NOTE: Poor Man’s Commish contributed to this report.]

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