Early Bulletin Board Material

On October 28, the Boston Celtics will be on national TV hoisting a banner, getting rings and playing the team that gave them the most trouble in the playoffs.

On October 28, the Lakers will be playing the Portland Trailblazers… and… well… that’s it.

That’s not stopping the perfectly sane, always well spoken Lakers Fans from rationally analyzing the upcoming season:

screw all of them, worthless 1 hit wonder team.


I’m dying for next season for sweet revenge. Celtics are one and done


Thing is nobody is going to remember these losers. They are a 1 hit wonder team while we are built for a dynasty.


The Celtics are a bunch of old men by next season. We are a young and hungry team. They have no chance.


They can enjoy it now cause its all down hill from here. KG and Allen are on the decline of there careers and Paul Pierce doesn’t have the mental fortitude to lead a team by himself. This year was the Celtic’s year but the next 10 are gonna be ours.

It goes on… and on… and on.  My favorite part of all of this is that a site that was originally “Get Garnett”… carries a lot of KG hate.  I wonder why?

Early Bulletin Board Material

Oh… that’s right.

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