Ellsbury Enters the Blogosphere

Jacoby Ellsbury is blogging during the playoffs. He talked about the catch from last night

“Did I think I was going to catch it? To be honest, no. I came in running full speed, and I kind of glanced down at shortstop Jed Lowrie, thinking maybe he had a shot at it, hoping he had a shot at it. I just kind of kept my head down and went for it and felt like I kind of kicked in a different gear midway through that.

You’re just hoping to get there. I’m kind of peeking at Lowrie and making sure we don’t collide. It’s loud out there, it’s the playoffs. Even if someone calls for it, you’re probably not going to hear him, so you just have to be aware of where he’s at. It ended up being a big out.

I really don’t get too fired up about diving catches, but I was pretty fired up about that one. Late in the game like that, playoff time. First out of the inning. You kind of want to kill a potential rally. I’ve made some nice catches this year, but this one was definitely my favorite one of the year.

I was just hoping my arm could reach out long enough. I didn’t know if I had enough reach in my glove, but I made it. I looked at it for a second and I had it, so I just made sure to secure it.”

His catch really did help Masterson get through the heart of the Angel’s order. To follow along with Jacoby’s blog click on the link here or on the right side of the page.

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