End of Season Wrap

I’ll keep this short. There will time to dissect this season over the next few days.

I did however just want to thank a number of you for making this such a fun and memorable season to discuss at The 6th Sens.

Scott, thank you for your contributions and for the unbelievably good scoring chance summaries that you published throughout the course of the season.

@steffeG, thank you for your Swedish prospect updates, article translations and for inadvertently making Andre Petersson feel awkward in Binghamton.

Tim, Creech, Francois and to anyone else who made an appearance on the The 6th Sens Podcast this season, thank you. And I apologize to the loyal listeners whose appetite for more podcasts, I could not meet this past season. I’ll do my best to improve in this regard moving forward.

James Gordon, thank you for allowing me to participate in your Senators Extra Prediction Panel and for allowing me to contribute once in awhile to Senators Extra as well.

To Robyn Bresnahan and the rest of the staff at CBC Radio who have invited me to make some appearances on Ottawa Morning, thank you.

And finally, I just wanted to thank you readers. The simple fact that a number of you check out this little site regularly and have helped us carve out a niche for ourselves in such a unique hockey market is unbelievable. I hope you enjoyed the 2011/12 season as much as we have and we are already looking forward to what the future has in store.

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