I often wonder what opposing teams, their beat reporters and bloggers are saying about the Celtics after playing the Celtics. Here's a dose of 'enemy chatter' from San Antonio.
Let me quickly say this; the Celtics are a dirty, dirty team. If they were lab-born, the DNA used most likely would have been Chris Paul's and John Stockton's. They utilize every old man trick in the book. They grab jerseys, push from underneath when you shoot, step on your feet, throw elbows, set illegal screens, and hit you when the officials are not looking. They do this the entire game, but always manage to never cross the obviously intentional line. I'll be honest with you; I don't know whether to hate them or respect them. They do what it takes to win and even if it is dirty, it's within the game's rules and therefore intelligent basketball. It does drive me crazy, though.
I'm a tad confused by this blogger's take on the Celtics. He criticizes them for dirty tactics, then credits them for playing intelligent basketball. It can't be both.
It's not fair to label the Celtics a dirty team. Call them physical, gutsy, scrappy, intense but not dirty.
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