Enough with the Jeter bull-talk already!

It seems as if every baseball writer from major media outlets down to the blogs with 1 hit per day is speculating about the possibility of Derek Jeter landing in Boston in 2011. Some entrepreneurial soul has even gone so far as to photoshop Jeter into a Sox uniform.


It’s NOT going to happen. Period. End of discussion.


THAT being said, about the only good thing that will come of this is to delay talks with the Lee camp. Both sides of the Steinbrenner/Jeter negotiations know that they need each other more than they are willing to admit. (Although, y’know, Jeter wouldn’t be the 1st iconic Yankee to be let go at the later stages of his career- Ruth, Maris, and Berra come to mind.)


Getting back to reality- It’s NOT going to happen. Period. End of discussion.


THAT being said, it is kind of fun trying to get the notion of Jeter in a Sox uni into the Yankees (Steinbrenners’ and fans’) heads. Chad Finn of Boston.com said it best:
All semi-serious snark aside, you know what the best-case scenario is for Red Sox fans? What’s happening right now.


Getting back to reality- It’s NOT going to happen. Period. End of discussion. Really. I mean it this time.


Enough with the Jeter bull-talk already!

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