Entertainment Rumors: Could Ethan Hawke be the new leading man in Doctor Strange?

The biggest question in cinema today doesn’t involve hobbits or Hunger Games, it pertains to Marvel’s newest potential blockbuster “Doctor Strange”, and it’s search for a leading man. Over the last few months speculation about the role have made the rounds, and it’s certainly starting to heat up.

It was reported that Joaquin Phoenix was the front-runner for the role of Strange. However, the latest report has stated that Phoenix has gotten cold feet about the project, and because of this, Marvel has decided to go in a new direction. The current report is the studio has set their sights on Ethan Hawke.

If it is indeed Hawke that lands the role of Stephen Strange he will certainly have his hands full, as Marvel has big plans for the film.

Doctor Strange is stepping into uncharted territory for Marvel. The film is said to focus on the supernatural aspect of the comics and will be a lot darker and serious than previous Marvel films. The actor will need to be adaptable to not only portraying a superhero, but a much darker one, similar to what Christian Bale did for Batman.

However, judging by his eclectic catalog of films Hawke might be an ideal choice for the role.

His previous films have seen the actor portray numerous roles, whether it be his iconic fight of good and wrong in the film “Training Day” or his fight against the un-dead in “Daybreakers”, Hawke has shown the versatility needed in order to take on a role as intriguing as Strange.

While Hawke’s versatility make him an ideal choice to play the mysterious superhero, there is another factor that could bode well for Hawke’s chances.

The film has recently hired Scott Derrickson as the director. Derrickson has some history with Hawke as the two worked on the film, “Sinister” in 2012. It is conceivable that once Phoenix and Marvel couldn’t agree to a deal, that Derrickson decided to go with a familiar name in Hawke.

While nothing has come out of Marvel’s camp, if the rumors are true and Hawke is indeed the favorite for the role of Strange, then it certainly isn’t a bad choice. However, Marvel must move fast with a decision as the film is set for a July 2016 release, and pre-production will need to take place in the upcoming months.

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