Episode #23 (5/14/15): Jimmy Wynn

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He was not your prototypical power hitter. Yet Jimmy Wynn slugged 20 or more home runs eight times during his 15-year career. Seven of those seasons were while wearing the colors of the Houston Astros – and dealing with the pitcher-friendly dimensions of the Astrodome.

But the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” which opened 50 years ago, was much more than just a spacious ballpark. It was the first fully air-conditioned multipurpose domed stadium, and brought about many revolutionary and radical innovations.

Among other topics, “The Toy Cannon” recalls his memories of playing in the Astrodome during its early days, his resurgence with the pennant-winning Los Angeles Dodgers in 1974, and speaks on his most towering homer.

Photo courtesy of Getty Images

Audio clips courtesy of Universal Newsreel, MLB Productions, and NBC Sports

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