Explanation and Apology of Twitter Incident

Earlier today, someone who formerly wrote for this site said some very dergoatory comments on Twitter to analyst Taylor Twellman and others. Once I was made aware of this situation, I immediately became angry and reached out to Taylor and others offended. The person who made these comments is NOT a writer on Total-MLS. This person only wrote one article for us and this was months ago. What was said by this writer in no way reflects the views of this website or any of the writers here. I not only do not condone these comments or behavior but I find them to be derogatory and unacceptable. I have since received an email from this former writer offering an apology. Our website was down today with some network issues but I felt the need to post this as soon as we were back online, which happened within the last hour. On behalf of everyone at Total-MLS I apologize to anyone who was upset by these comments.

I hope that this explanation clears things up for fans everywhere and that we can get back to covering MLS and giving you the fans great stories and coverage. 

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