Eyes on Time

Can you believe it? It’s Friday morning, and Eyes in the Backfield is ready! I’m a little stunned myself. Here’s a taste of what you can find this week:

Playoffs? Yes, it’s playoff time again, and unlike oh so long ago, we supporters of the Blue and White don’t have to spend sleepless, angst-ridden nights wondering what will possibly go wrong this year. Jim Mora and Mike Vanderjagt have been long since banished. Super Bowl rings are safely stowed away in lock boxes, and a beautiful banner wafts in the rafters of the soon to be defunct Hoosier Dome (for old time’s sake). With the season locked in an inexorable march to the fateful day in Foxborough next week, here’s what to watch for from Sunday’s game with the Chargers:

1. Watch for revenge – The 2007 Colts may well prove to be one of the great teams of all time. They lost two meaningful games all year. Their first chance to erase one of those losses comes on Sunday. We all know what a farce the first game was, as a series of injuries, weather, and non-repeatable events conspired to sink the Colts. The Horse looks to get payback come Sunday.

You can also check out some more stats from FO courtesy of ESPN.

I’m sure you saw it, but I never get tired about articles about the Zombie. They always make me laugh out loud out of sheer fear.

CHFF picks the Colts, but surprisingly begrudgingly.

Len P says Ed Johnson is under the radar.

Chargers fans put up their look alikes. There are many pages of them, but the one half-way down on page three is sort of cool. Kit Fisto rules.

It’s official. This site is crap and we are morons. What else can I conclude if Bill Simmons agrees with us?

Dr Z. defends his Reggie Wayne pick with a brilliant chart.

Scouts talk about Chargers/Colts and mention Gary Brackett.

I love stuff that rips the media.

FO does a great breakdown of the AFC weekend. Honestly, getting this level of FO coverage of your game is one of the best parts of the playoffs. I love a site that doesn’t pretend like stats exist in a vacuum, but rather seeks to understand and asks the all important question: Why?

This pleases me greatly. Most of you won’t care.

Demond Sanders: CHFF is too married to their own stats. If AV makes that kick the Chargers are suddenly 2-4 against “quality opponents” and the Colts are 5-2. But you can’t count that last Titans game, can you? Let’s make it 5-1. Claiming Indy’s offense isn’t explosive is a little ridiculous. Tony Ugoh’s return means everything. Just look at the way they splattered the Ravens and Texans a couple weeks ago.

Last year’s team had the element of surprise, something the Colts hadn’t had before in the playoffs. People had written them off. This year’s team won’t surprise anyone because it has no major flaws. Luckily, the Patriots have stolen 99% of the media’s attention. The remaining one percent is divided between Tony Romo, Jessica Simpson, and Brett Favre. I think this helps the players stay focused and if anything gives them a mental edge. I like where they stand right now.

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