Face It Spurs Fans, This Spurs Roster Has No Balls!

It looks like it’s going to be a long summer for our team.
The Spurs record on the Rodeo Road Trip fell to 2-4 with games to play in New Jersey and Detroit. Ouch!
This Florida swing shows the Spurs lack the mental toughness, heart, and desire to be considered a true title contender. They freaking lost to Miami and Orlando. Both are sub .500 team and Miami is even older than the Spurs! The Spurs managed to show the rest of the NBA nation that they cannot close out teams.
Let’s face it Spurs fans, our team has no balls. Pop said it best, this team is soft. Getting a young player is not going to cut it for this team. I do not care how young they get, the fact of the matter is that they lack desire and mental intensity to compete with the Mavs, Suns, Lakers and as the past two games have proved, neither sub .500 teams.
Winning in Washington didn’t prove shit. Barely winning in LA didn’t do shit. Sure, they got the “Big 3” but what in the fuck is having them if they can’t close out teams, can’t beat .500 teams, or even win in their own home court?
The Spurs now fall to 33-18 and slide further behind Dallas putting them at 8 games behind. What else did this loss in Miami do for the Spurs? They officially fell into 5th place in the Western Conference with Utah moving into 4th overall.
Way to go San Antonio Spurs aka Pussies, Gutless, No Heart, Pansies, Faries, Bitches, Losers, Chokers, No Balls! On National TV you proved you should go back to the pink, orange, and aqua fag colors you once had. Because what the national audience saw today were not the San Antonio Spurs, but saw a soft group of pussies who can’t get the job done.
They are old, slow, play no defense and can’t rebound worth a shit.
To add insult to injury, in the past two games they let scrubs, JJ Redick and Jason Kapono, get career highs in points and rebounds respectively.
If it wasn’t done already, this team has to do take a hard look in the mirror because it’s gut-check time.

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