Fan Predictions for Broncos Game!


First, a big congrats to AllisonSmith, who won our first Saints Nation Guru award for correctly predicting in three of the four categories last week. She gets her profile pic posted on the site in recognition. I will keep a tally of the season game winners and the person with the most wins at the end of the season may receive a prize!

Here's how it works: I give you four questions and a bonus score prediction for tie breaking purposes. Use the comments section to give me your predictions on the upcoming game, and each week I will crown a "Saints Nation Guru". With that, below are the questions for the Saints @ Broncos game. Good luck!

1.  Who Will Score the First Points for the Saints?

2. Which Player Will Lead the Saints in Tackles?

3. How May Touchdown Passes Will Peyton Manning Throw?

4. How Many Times Will the Broncos Punt?

5. Give Me Your Final Score Prediction


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