Fang’s Bites Grade for 24, Season 8, Hour 6, 9 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Opening Sequence: Jack is driving to find Renee – A.

Renee is untied by Vladimir – B.

Jack wants Hastings to pull Renee out of the operation – B.

Hastings does not want torture and won’t pull Renee out. – C.

Jack says he’ll pull Renee out by being a buyer to the Russians for the uranium – B.

Renee is still alive – A.

Dana is back at work – F.

Dana is now trying to work a cover for ol’ boyfriend Jason – F.

Dana tells Jason to get some drug money at a warehouse – F. This is just awful.

Arlo sexually harasses Dana – F.

Renee is taken back to the Russians’ hideout without the murdered Ziya – A.

Vladi and Renee go talk – A.

Renee tells Vladi an Ernst Mir (Jack) wants to buy weapons grade uranium – A.

Vladi says he can’t get it – B.

Renee says she wants to get the money so she won’t have to work for anyone – A.

Renee asks Vladi to help with the uranium – A.

Vladimir says he’ll make some calls and want to meet with Ernst – A.

Vladi misses Renee – B.

Renee is repulsed – A.

Renee looks for a place she can talk to Jack – A.

She and Jack talk and he says he’ll be ready – A.

Dr. Levine is treating Oleg and wants to know how he got radiation poisoning – B.

Josef refuses to tell him – B.

Josef gets a call from Bazhaev – A.

Josef lies to his dad – C.

The nurse gives Dr. Levine Oleg’s information – A.

Dr. Levine needs a bone marrow transplant and a six man operation team – B.

Levine says there a way to flush the radiation out, but it’s risky – A.

Cole Ortiz tells Jack what’s going on and says he’ll be ready to pull Walker out when ready – B.

Ortiz says he’s run a similar operation in Fallugia – A.

Vladi wants to give Renee a drink – A.

Vladi wants to know what’s eating Renee – B.

Vladi says he never forgave himself for sexually assaulting Renee – A.

Renee is surprised he’s apologizing – B.

Vladi likes Renee’s spunk – A.

Vladi touches Renee and she’s repulsed – A.

Vladi continues to touch Renee and she continues to be repulsed – A.

Renee goes away so she can shower – A.

Jack is ready to move in – B.

Vladi goes to Hugo and tells him to meet Ernst – A.

Vladimir tells Hugo to kill the buyer/Jack – A.

Vladi thinks Renee will fall in love with him – A.

Hugo is ready to kill the buyer – A. I like this storyline. Keep this going and keep the Dana Walsh storyline off my TV.

Rob Weiss tells President Taylor that Kamistan is still going crazy – B.

Ethan Kanin is not happy and President Taylor wants to appeal to the other countries in the peace process to keep going – A.

President Hassan gets some information about the sweep in Kamistan to find the traitor – A.

President Hassan finds out Jamod could be connected to the assassination attempt – B.

President Hassan wants Jamod to be arrested and interrogated – B.

President Hassan wants it done no matter the cost – A.

Dana Walsh .. oh forget it. Let’s give her an F every time she on.


Arlo sexually harasses Dana – F.

Arlo wants to know what’s going on – F.

Chloe sarcastically tells Arlo to stare at her ass as she walks away – A.

The rest of this stupid Jason/Dana storyline is getting an F.



No security sees what happens in the parking lot? – F

Ok, Arlo saw it – F.

Renee showers – A.

Vladi sees her – F.

Vladi wants to have sex with her – D.

Vladi is drinking – C.

Vladi wants Renee to approach him, but she refuses at first – B.

He throws a glass and threatens her to call off the deal – B.

Vladi kisses her and then she’s repulsed – B.

Jack tells Renee that he can get her out – A.

Renee says there’s no other way – B.

Renee says she’s going dark and washes her com down the sink. Whoa. Damn! – A.

Jamod is being escorted to the Embassy – C.

Jamod is being embarrassed in front of the other delegates – B.

Kayla is being called by President Hassan’s security officer – B.

Dr. Levine tells Josef how to flush the radiation from Oleg’s system – C.

Dr. Levine is shot dead by Bazhaev’s man – A.

Oleg and Josef are being taken away from the clinic – A.

They’re being taken back to Bazhaev – B.

Jack is dressed as the German buyer – A.

He arrives to meet Hugo – A.

Hugo speaks German to Jack – A.

Jack speaks German back – A.

Hugo says Jack has an American accent – A.

Jack wants to speak with Vladimir – A.

They speak – A.

Jack wants to speak with Renee – A.

Vladi refuses – A.

Renee is on the bed apparently having had sex with Vladi – A.

Jack transfer the money to Vladi – A.

Renee puts her clothes back on – A.

Vladi says he’s going to kill Jack – A.

Renee tells Vladi they’ll be together, but see the deal through – A.

Vladi says no – C.

Renee tries to call Jack – A.

Vladi stops her – C.

Renee is repulsed – A.

Jack is almost done with the transfer – A.

Before Hugo can kill Jack, Ortiz kills a bunch of his men – A++++++

Hugo calls Vladi – B.

Jack tells Vladi he will be dead – A.

Vladi tells Hugo to bring Jack to headquarters – A.

Josef apologizes to Oleg – A.

Bazhaev is pissed Josef that he doesn’t respect him – A.

Josef is slapped and kicked around – A.

Bazhaev kills Oleg. Man – A.

Josef is told never to disobey Bazhaev again. Wow – A.

Final Grade – 87

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