Final thoughts from LA- Point/Counterpoint

Having that kind of week...
Having that kind of week...

So, I’m finally ready to talk about it (I think).

There were great things that happened on Saturday, but each came with a “shadow“. The stuff that drove me crazy as it was happening has, on second reflection, given me hope for the rest of this season.

So- here are both sides of my thoughts on the game:

Yeah! The D? Tenacious. What a magnificent game plan and execution. The DBs locked down the best receivers in the country, the DL made a bunch of first rould draft picks look pedestrian for most of the game, and the linebackers were on seek and destroy. The Silver Bullets are back…

But… Yup, the Trojans are good, but a lot of the statistical success came from them not wanting to make their QB do too much. It was also a perfect game for the Buckeyes- their defense is built to stop the “run first, play action pass” offenses like U$C brings.  Before we bake a cake to celebrate, let’s see what happens against Toledo and Illinois (who have a bye week before they come to Columbus).

Yeah! The offensive line played as good as I’ve seen them in a couple of years. Without Beanie, we were successful running. And we did a good job protecting Pryor against a stalwart defense and defensive scheme.

But… That being said, there were still the inane false start penalties. Seriously, it’s one of the few advantages that the offense has- you know when the play will start.

Yeah! DeVier Posey is something special. Dude has major hops, and will be an important part of our offense for a while.

But… Which may kill us, if our quarterback can’t stop locking in on him and missing other open options.

But… Terrelle Pryor is not ready for prime time yet. He’s playing tight, and seems more concerned about making a mistake than making a play. He’s got happier feet than Savion Glover, and continues to throw off his back leg. The times he should be running, he’s tentative.

Yeah! Remember earlier when I said “yet”? TP is a sophomore, and will only get better. He’s a special athlete and may end up being one of the great Buckeye quarterbacks. Just relax and play, son.

Yeah! Our offensive firepower is stunning. Boom runs like he wants to hurt someone, Zoom is magic in the open field, Sanzo keeps making smart plays, and the rest of our WRs will give people nightmares with matchup problems.

But… Our coaching staff doesn’t seem to want to use all of these amazing toys. In fact, it feels like they’ve got a bag full of new TaylorMade’s and only want to hit their trusty mashie niblick.

Ah, about that. There are two camps of the “What the hell happened?” folks, those who believe our offensive struggles are the blame of the personnel and performance, and those who believe that the fault lies with the coaching staff.  In fact, group B says, the staff is accountable for ensuring performance perfection.

Even in the “coaches are to blame” camp, I can’t find consensus other than the concern about play calling.  It’s either “Tressel is too conservative; he should have gone for the TD instead of the FG in the first quarter, or the FG instead of the punt in the fourth“, or “Tressel isn’t conservative enough; he tried to pass at the end of the first half instead of running the ball and chewing up clock“. Were there problems? Yup. Is it a philosophical issue (ie “Tressel-ball”)? Maybe. Three inches difference in one of the Tressel-ball fundamental areas, and we’re not having this discussion.  But we are, because this is a game of inches.

I was talking to a U$C fan today (the consensus from most of them is that they dodged a bullet, and that they’re nervous about UW, Cal, Oregon, and UCLA), and was saying that I missed the ’90s when we would flat out run the score up on people. Hit the gas, and keep it going. “It’s not our job to stop us, it’s your job to stop us.” Killer instinct.

He looked at me and asked, “Would you want your old coach back?”. Of course, I said “No“. But his question did make me think… What do I want? And it’s an important question- Ask Nebraska fans if they’d like Callahan or Solich. Ask Arkansas fans if they want Nutt or Petrino. Ask Notre Dame fans… well, who gives a crap what they think?

But I do think there’s something to be said for having not just the will to win, but to win without question. And, even though “running it up” isn’t Ohio State’s style, that shouldn’t mean that we look only to win every game by “just enough”. You can play hard and to the best of your ability and be a true winner, even if the score gets lopsided. You can do this with class and dignity; in fact, the desire for excellence should be the hallmark of quality coaching.

But JT is our coach, and he is who he is. And that, I believe is a good thing. He will do what’s best for the program and his student athletes. I just wish he’d do it the way I want him to sometimes- but then again, I just write words on the interwebs.

Back to the list:

But… This could be a long year. The trip to Crappy Valley doesn’t look like much fun, and other teams are making a rumble in conference.

Yeah! Screw that- we’re THE Ohio State University. And as good as we are and will be this year, do you realize how many players are returning for 2010? And that’s not writing off this season- last time we had this type of home loss, we ended the year pounding Notre Ame in the Fiesta Bowl. In fact…

Yeah! A trip to Pasadena is nowhere near out of the question. We run the table, and we’re headed west for either the Roses or the Large Shiny Object.

But… But we’d probably end up playing the Trojans again… either  they’ll lose  focus again and we’d play in the Rose Bowl, or by some miracle of the BCS Computers we’d see them in the MNC Game. And, they’ll be having another home bowl game and will certainly be much much better by January.

You know what? So will we.  Bring it.

But first, let’s continue to do what Mich1gAAn can’t, and beat Toledo this week.

Go Bucks.

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