

Earlier this morning, I was approached by a Senators fan named Angela via Twitter to help find the man (pictured above) who was caught on camera by TSN celebrating after one of Ottawa’s goals during last night’s game versus the Habs.
Here is the explanation from Angela on why she wants to find the “Sens guy”:
Thanks so much for the RT btw! So the SSS or Sens Supporters Section and Red Scarf Union are looking to find the Sens Guy in the picture because we want to treat him to a true Senators Fan experience. It took guts of steel to do what he did and we NEED him in our section! I have been tweeting like crazy at everyone i can think of to find this guy so we can give him the SSS Experience! Found the guy that sat next to him all night, but he didn’t get a name 🙁
We HAVE to find this guy!
If you have any idea of who this guy is, float me an email ([email protected]) or a tweet (@6thsens). You can also reach out to Angela via Twitter (@Iamthehb).
Help us #findthesensguy.
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