Flyers Win in OT. Bad Coaching to Blame for Coyotes Play?

The defense really let the Coyotes down last night. 3 of the Flyers 4 goals were a direct result of Dmen being out of position. Surprisingly one of them was Sauer. He is usually spot on. I think part of the problem is that Dmo is out. Whenever he is out, the D seem to struggle. The other goal was just a bad bounce off a player (it looked like it went off one of our guys legs). Telly was perfectly positioned for the puck but the redirct was something he couldn’t have seen coming. Telly played a great game. I hope they keep him in against the Rangers. Let Bryz know he can’t just have the job, he needs to earn it.

The highlight of the game was Carcillo finally got his first goal of the season. And it was a beauty. He dumped it in and Hanzal went after it behind the net, and so did Biron. Hanzal was able to get the puck to Carcillo who had an open net. Biron could not get back in position fast enough. The look on Carcillo’s face was priceless.

Hanzal also had a pretty goal in the second. Then Fridge had one in the third to put us up 3-2. Unfortunately the boys couldn’t hold on to the lead and the Flyers tied it up, forcing OT. We even went into OT with a man advantage but couldn’t convert.

Which brings me to another point, the Power Play. Our PP looks more like a PK far too often. We let the other team control the puck too much. I am starting to doubt the coaching staff. They seemed to have regressed. Last year the coaching staff seemed to be improving but it looks as if they have taken a large step back. We have a very talented group of guys out there on the ice, why can’t they win or even play more consistently? I have decided it has to be a coaching issue because mostly I cannot come up with another reason why a team with this much talent can’t play.

They dump and chase when they should carry it in. They carry it in when they should dump and chase. They pass when they have open scoring lanes. They shoot when the lanes are blocked (mostly shooting into the player 2 feet in front of them, causing it to bounce off and that player getting a break-away). They change lines far too often and far too slowly. The D has been looking horrible the last couple of games, the forwards can’t score. They look disconnected with each other on the ice. They aren’t communicating well. They look more like individuals on the ice, not a unit. I believe that is a direct result of bad coaching.

Also, I think Gretz and Maloney need to get over their man-crushes. If Jovo isn’t playing well, sit him. If Mueller isn’t playing well, sit him. If Bryz is looking bad, pull him or sit him the next game. They keep saying you have to work hard and show you want it, or you sit. Well Mueller looks like he could care less if he’s playing or not and Jovo doesn’t even try to correct his mistakes anymore (at least when Yandle realizes he messed up, he makes the effort to fix it). Sit those guys. They act like they don’t want to be there, so don’t put them in for a game or two. Send them awake up call. Put McGrattan in. Yes, he doesn’t skate well and he is not the best player, but he gives it his all when he gets to play. He also gives it his all in practice too. He wants it. He is hungry for it. So use him to send a message.

Those are my reasons for thinking it is more of a coaching problem then the players. I am now off the Gretzky bandwagon. I was all for giving the guy a chance, but he’s had enough of a chance and the fans deserve to see a great product. We pay them with our hard earned money and I don’t want to see a half ass job out there. This, along with another entry I am currently working on, are reasons I may not renew my tickets next year.

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