Football Analysis, tBBC Style

You may or may not have noticed the series of posts below that went out in rapid succession.

They are slightly updated versions of the ‘way too early looks’ I wrote prior to spring practice.

Don’t worry, I am not being lazy, I just needed to transfer them over to the new site so that I can link to them in the “Football Analysis” section at the top of the site.

Like I mentioned, they are slightly updated, but I plan on doing a much more comprehensive second analysis once the spring game wraps up and the long and lonely summer begins.

Another update for each position will be posted during fall camp and then one more once the season starts (a total of 4 at each position).

Each new post will be linked to in the “Football Analysis” section at the top of the home page so that by the time the season rolls around, the progression of the team from spring practice to the fall to the season will be well documented… that’s the plan at least.

Remember that I wrote the original posts below prior to spring practice, and prior to the release of the official spring depth chart.

I left my original depth chart projections the same for fun, I was right sometimes and wrong most of the time.

Also, some of my depth chart projections didn’t transfer over, but that is alright now that the actual depth chart has been released.

That is all.


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