
Football!Two things that I think have been established about me. I’m Catholic and I’m in Minnesota. These are going to be the only two things that will possibly put a damper on my opening weekend festivities.
As with any Catholic, many of my decisions are based on guilt, so, despite not having been to church in about three weeks, I decided to go this morning. Naturally, this was the week the priest decided to hit us with 45 minute, almost directionless homily. If I wanted that, I would become Episcopalian. Naturally, since I could only wake up in time for the 1100 o’clock service, I endd up being late for kick off.
Then, being in Minnesota we get to relive the Brett Favre experience on CBS, then go to the one conference team that isn’t playing tonight or tomorrow night. Yeah, that’s the Lions. At the Falcons. On opening day. And the Lions are even worse than advertised.
But I’m not going to let anything spoil my excitement. Football!

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