Former Local Owner the “White Knight” to Save Sonics?

There might be a savior in the Seattle area after all for the Sonics. The TNT is running this today, and the initial reaction is it sure makes a hell of a lot of sense. breaks it down as well, a pretty solid take on the whole thing and they are hearing rumors as well.

You know, we touched on it the other day, about the mounting costs that Bennett faces in trying to move, both short-term and long-term. But Frank Hughes brought up one more angle I hadn’t thought of – the team ALSO stands to lose $20 million annually just being in Seattle with the way things are right now. So, yeah, sprinkle in another $40 million in losses, on top of what’s already documented.

With such a mess on his hands, isn’t it the best move for Bennett at this point to just cut his losses and forget the whole thing?

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