Former Redskin Lineman Ray Brown Joins 49er Coaching Staff

Buccaneers v Redskins

Ray Brown, one of the good guy Washington Redskin alumni, joined the San Francisco 49er coaching staff according to a story today appearing in the San Francisco Examiner.

Brown joins the 49ers as the assistant offensive line coach after serving the same position with the Buffalo Bills for the past two seasons.

Brown played for the Redskins in 1989-95 and rejoined the team for the 2004-05 seasons. Offensive line coach Joe Bugel used Brown as a player-coach and mentor for the linemen. He was a special assistant on the Skins coaching staff when the team struggled in 2006.

Brown was asked about the experience during his introduction interview. Here’s the question and response:

On whether he was a coach-on-the-field in Washington when he was playing at age 43:
“I think you may be in the right neighborhood with that one. I think once you become, probably, a seven-to-10 year guy, you pretty much know a lot about what teams are doing offensively. For me, it’s all about sharing what people shared with me because I know that allowed me the opportunity to stay as long as I did. I just only try to reciprocate that, share things and pass off things that I’ve heard and things that I’ve learned. Really, that’s who I am. I’m very grateful for the coaches and teachers that I had prior to getting in this profession.”    

Story: Former 49ers guard Ray Brown hired as assistant offensive line coach

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