Former Redskins LB Kevin Mitchell passes

Kevin Mitchell, who played linebacker for the Washington Redskins from 2000 to 2003 passed away this morning. He was 36. “Kevin and his family are in my thoughts and prayers today, and in the prayers of the entire Redskins organization. Anyone who knew him was touched by his smile, joy for life and love of his family. Anyone who ever played with him or against him never forgot it. He earned our deepest respect,” said Redskins owner Daniel Snyder in an announcement posted on Mitchell played for the New Orleans Saints and the San Francisco 49ers before joining the Redskins. He remained in the Ashburn, VA area after he left the Redskins in 2004. Hog Heaven offers its condolences to Mr. Mitchell’s family and to the Washington Redskins. UPDATE: Mitchell’s funeral will take place Saturday (May 5, 2007) at Life Center Ministries International in his native Harrisburg, Pa. In lieu of flowers, Mitchell’s family asks mourners send donations to the Kevin Mitchell Memorial Achievement Fund, P.O. Box 405, Hershey, Pa., 17033.  — Washington Times

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