Foye out for 3-4 more weeks

Randy Foye’s kneecap hasn’t yet healed completely and he is not
expected to be ready to play for the first time this season for another
three to four weeks.
Another imaging test on Monday revealed progress, but still showed
signs of a developing crack that has kept him sidelined since October…
The good news, according to Wolves general manager Jim Stack, is that
there is healing going on … It’s just that more healing needs to take
"Randy can amp up his workouts and do some more activities, but it’s
probably going to be a few more weeks," said Stack. "It’s good news,
but we still want to be cautious."
Indeed, arbitrary timetables haven’t helped Foye improve, but instead
serve to assuage the general need-to-know regarding his return. Stack
said that Foye’s certainly frustrated that he hasn’t yet hit and passed
a timetable, and feels ready to play.
Stack said Foye will be closely monitored to make sure he doesn’t do too much too soon. If Foye is able to progress without pain or swelling in the knee, he might be ready to move forward when he gets examined again in three or four weeks, Stack said.
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