Free For All Friday: Seattle Beckons

Ladies and gentlemen, I have another major announcement about this site.  No goofing around, this is totally for real and it may have a major impact on how this site is operated.

I’m moving to Seattle.

Like I said, no joke.  It is really happening.  I’ve got a new job and it starts on June 6th.  So a week from this Sunday, me, Mrs. Monkey and our Little Monkey are packing up and heading to the Pacific Northwest and leaving Santa Barbara and the rest of California behind.  Both my wife and I were born and raised in California, so this is a big move for us but one that we feel strongly will be a great thing for our family and careers.  The blog, maybe not so much.

As I said, I’m getting a brand new job at a whole new company and I just don’t know what that is going to mean as far as the time I will have available to blog.  In fact, there is a small chance that their social media policy may prevent me from blogging at all.  That being said, I have every intention of trying to write as often as I do now, but I just can’t promise it.  One thing I do promise is that I will NOT shift allegiances to the freaking Mariners (please, I ain’t that dumb).

Until I know for sure how things are going to shake out, all I ask from you, the readers, is to hang tight as I pick up my life and move it 1000 miles to the north.

And now back to your regularly scheduled Free For All Friday…

Seattle skyline


Here are a few other topics for you to discuss amongst yourselves:

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger’s baby mama: ugliest mistress ever?  You make the call.
  • NBA Finals: Mavericks vs. Heat, Part Deux!  Place your bets now.  I’m calling Miami in 6 even though I hate them (reverse jinx, anyone?).
  • Stanley Cup Finals: Canucks vs. Lightning/Bruins!  Place your be-  Ah, screw it.  Does anyone even care about hockey anymore?

Or just feel free to bring up a non-Angels topic of your own.  I don’t really care (as long as you keep it clean) because it’s Friday.

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