From Kings Will Be West’s Worst

The NBA experts at got together and predicted where each team in the NBA will finish in their respective division and conference. Those who participated were J.A. Adande, Jon Barry, Chris Broussard, Chad Ford, Jemele Hill, John Hollinger, Chris Sheridan, Jalen Rose, Marc Stein and David Thorpe. Here’s what Jalen Rose had to say about the Kings:

Jalen Rose, ESPN | Rose’s picks

Kevin Martin can score with the best of them. Evans will be the rookie of the year. Sergio Rodriguez will continue to improve.

Out of all the experts, only two picked them to not finish last in the West and all of them everyone except for David Thorpe picked the Kings to be last in the Pacific. Click through to see what they had to say about the Kings (some encouraging, some not).

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