From the Huffington Post: Arn Tellem Writes About Tyreke Evans

I’m weary whenever agents talk about their clients. Agents are essentially just telemarketers trying to push their product and get you to sign up for the “deal of a lifetime.”

But this piece in the Huffington Post Arn Tellem (Tyreke Evans’ agent) discusses the origins of his knowledge of Tyreke Evans and where Tyreke has come from. It’s important to see that the “entourage” around Tyreke Evans is literally all family with him. These guys don’t have ulterior motives to get a sports bar investment going or a production company loan co-signed by their “meal ticket.” The guys in Team Tyreke are his immediate family that look out for his interests first.

“My family, my team, has always been there for me,” Tyreke says. “If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be anywhere. I used to read things on the web that made it sound like my brothers from Chester were an entourage or something. But, hey, they’re my brothers. If anybody thinks they’re an entourage, then I have the best entourage in the world. My guys all have my back.”

That’s extremely rare in this day and age. It’s heart-warming to see. I’ve been fortunate enough to talk to Reggie and Doc Evans after a game recently about Tyreke and where he’s going. When you talk about Tyreke with these guys, you can see the genuine guidance they want to provide for their younger brother.

Click here to read the whole piece.

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