Game 3 Blog –Memo to the DEFENDING CHUMPS!

This freaking bites the big one!
With a chance to step on the King’s neck and take them out of this series the Spurs blew it! One word can sum it up….COMPLACENCY!
Memo to Spurs……this is the freaking playoffs, where the contenders and pretenders are sorted out.
Oh but I guess you guys want to do it the hard way huh? While the Mavs and Pistons show how to take out lower seeded teams, you guys seem to manage a way to look like soft players. That’s right I said you guys are SOFT!
You are the defending champs and last night you played like defending CHUMPS! How can you lets guys like Kevin Martin, Kenny Thomas beat you?
While you have players such as Finley, Barry, Van Exel, you let these lesser players beat you!
Do us Spurs fans a favor……just relinquish the title now if you are going to play like women! You guys were up 2-0 with a chance to destroy an 8th seeded team but noooooooo …… you gave them hope and the feeling that they can play with you and possibly upset the defending CHUMPS!
So while the Mavs easily take care of business and take out the Grizz in 4 games, you will be still playing while the Mavs will be resting and waiting.
I said it before, continue to play like this and the Mavs WILL beat the Spurs! And I hope the Mavs beat you because you guys do not deserve another title.
Oh thats right you still have to play the Kings. I guess a second round appearance is too much to ask from the defending CHUMPS!
PS….Hey Manu, try to not turn the ball over, you freaking idiot!
–Jeff Garcia
Spurscast Co-Host

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