Game Countdown – 6/16/09: The Secret to Success – Angels @ Giants

Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (33-29) @ San Francisco Giants (34-29)

Starters: LAA – Sean O’Sullivan (0-0, -.– ERA)  SF – Jonathan Sanchez (2-6, 4.84 ERA)

Game Info: 7:15 PM PT TV-Fox Sports West, Radio-KLAA 830 AM, KFWB, KWKW 1330 AM

After wasting most of the season trying to beat their American League compatriots, the Angels have finally found the secret to success… slapping around the NL West!  Of course, I should have thought of it before!

NL West

With only 10 games left against their personal divisional punching bag, the Angels better make the most of it or find a way to convince Bud Selig to realign the divisions at the All-Star break.

THREE Questions:

  • What can we expect from Sean O’Sullivan?  The rookie hurler gets promoted from Triple-A despite a scary 6.02 ERA.  On the other hand he has pitched well in his last three starts and is talented enough to be considered one of the Angels top prospects.
  • Can the Angels bats stay hot?  All of the sudden this team is hitting anything and everything.  I still think it is smoke and mirrors, but can they keep the illusion going for at least one more night?
  • Can the notoriously impatient Angels batters take advantage of Sanchez’s control problems?  As much as the Halos hate to walk, they need to remember Sanchez is leads the league in walks and not swing at every pitch remotely close to the strike zone.

TWO Predictions:

  • Gary Matthews will have a chance to do a Torii Hunter impression and smash into the wall to make a great play but instead curl up into the fetal position and let the ball drop.
  • Midway through the game the Halo announcers will break the story that Ervin Santana’s MRI came back and he is going to have to undergo season-ending Tommy John surgery.

ONE Wish:

  • I wish that the power-hitting alien that took over Juan Rivera’s body never relinquishes control.

ZERO Tolerance for… Mike Napoli riding the pine again.  As much as he is struggling, Naps now has a four of his last five starts and showed real signs of coming around with his opposite field approach last night.  If I see Jeff Mathis squatting behind the dish tonight, I’m going to take a squat on Mike Scioscia’s front lawn in the middle of the night.

Leave your own questions, answers, predictions or wishes as a comment or just hang out with us during the game.

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