Yet another trip to the sub-basement of big time college football
Game of the week: Just a quick “thank you” to our men in uniform- we highlight the United States Merchant Marine Academy as they travel to play Worcester Tech in a Division Three match up.

Founded in 1947 and located in Kingsport New York, the USMMA strives to train men and women in order to keep our national oceanographic commerce lines running smoothly and safely. Mariner athletes can rest assured that their endeavors will move toward their recognition as a class, as will their ability to create and maintain a well polished binnacle. I have no freaking idea what that means. I’ll be honest- my knowledge of the Merchant Marines begins and ends with Skipper Jonas Grumby and Bo Brady.
One of several colleges in Worcester Massachusetts, Worcester Polytechnic Institute was founded in 1865 with the goal of being a place “where science and technology meet real world problems“. That’s good, but I’d be interested in seeing if a full beer bottle or empty one would do more damage in a bar fight. That’s the type of research I want from a prestigious institution. It doesn’t seem like a good place to be a freshman (although they’re not bragging about polishing binnacles, if you know what I mean) or find a spouse, and I couldn’t find anything about students hitting the sauce. The athletic teams are called the “Engineers”, although the “Rockets” might also be appropriate.
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