Game Recap 7/22/11 — Sizzlin’ Santana — Angels 6 Orioles 1

Well it took them awhile but the Angels got down to business and secured their third win in a row. Ervin Santana was more than just good tonight, he was fantastic. This type of run of pitching is what the Angels need from Ervin to compliment the steady work of the big two. Throw in soem timely hitting and good bullpen work and you get another Halo victory.

Angels 6 Orioles 1

Game Notes

— Vernon Wells was great tonight. 3 for 4 with a grand slam is what you want from your clean-up hitter. Wells almost got himself the Halo Hero tonight.
— Give it up for young Mike Trout. 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored, including the first one of the game. I was actually holding my breath on the double in the gap. If that ball had gotten to the wall I guarantee my prediction of an inside the park Home Run would have come true.
— Something is clearly wrong with Bobby Abreu. Dude looks lost at the plate. He is swinging at all kinds of junk right now and it’s hurting the line-up. I vote him a day off, like tomorrow.
— Big relief work from Takahashi tonight. Downs and Walden were not going to pitch after two intense outings so it was up to the other lefty to carry the mail. Good thing Wells hit that grandslam or things could have gotten really interesting in the ninth. It’s also one more day that we don’t have to reignite the Fraudney flames.
— I know that banging on Jeff Mathis’ hitting is an easy target and doesn’t show any real depth of analysis. But Scioscia is know treating his plate appearances like he was a pitcher. I mean, he sac bunted twice in this game and he’s a catcher. I was listening to the radio post game and even the usually reserved Terry Smith was calling out Mathis for his putrid .186 batting average. Can we please get Bobby Wilson some at-bats now?
— A quick Orioles note: How freaky is that reliever Worrell’s delivery. Looks like he’s going to throw out his arm one every pitch. I was fascinated to the point where I rewound the DVR three times to see him pitch. Crazy stuff…

Halo Hero

Carlos Santana
I wanted to give Ervin the nod just to post this picture, but it helps that he was great tonight. Ervin’s slider was biting hard and his fastball was popping the mitt all night. Keep this up and you can look as ridiculous as you want in your pictures.

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