Game Recap 8/21/12: A New Leaf – Angels 5 Red Sox 3

I don't wanna make this all about myself now, but about a week ago I tweeted that Ervin Santana would end up carrying the rotation on his back to redeem himself for his seemingly worthless season. Don't wanna jump to conclusions now but Santana has won his last 5 games in a row and given up 2 runs or less in his last two starts.

Ervin Santana did exactly what the starting rotation has been lacking; getting out of jams and keeping runners away from the bases.

I know I said it's too early back there, but….


Calllleeedddd iitttttttt

Angels 5 Red Sox 3


Game Recap

  • Ervin Santana. Santana, Santana, Santana. Out of all the Angels pitchers this is the guy who finally said "F&@k it." and stepped up. Tonight was his second game in a row of 2 ER or less ball, but that within itself is not enough to get excited about since Dan Haren threw 3 consecutive games on 2 ER or less before his recent implosion. What Santana did that matters is getting out of jams, especially with the big strike out. Even though Santana gave up 5 hits and 2 walks it was still a major improvement in keeping runners from running all over the base paths for Ervin Santana. The Angels biggest pitching problem has been keeping the door from revolving on them, but I guess it helps when you play a team that's collapsing even harder than you are. I don't wanna jump to conclusions now, but this is probably what the Angels need to get back in it.


  • I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I've been feeling prettyyyy blue in the pants with Mark Trumbo's recent power outage. Trumbo has only clubbed 2 homers this month prior to his 30th tonight, coming on the 2nd and 8th. On top his last home run before August was July 20th, which is concerning since his home runs have been coming in with a typical 3-4 HR's per week. If the Angels want to regain their ground in the Wild Card race Marky Mark is going to be a big factor, he's going to need to start clubbing homers with such regularity if he wants to do his part putting the Angels back on top.


  • Mike Trout's stolen base streak ended today. At 30. On a pitchout. In which he appeared safe. Balls….


Ervin Santana

Ervin Santana, because he's finally starting to work his way back into my good graces. I'm sure yours as well.


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