Game Recap 8/25/12 — The Bullpen Strikes Again — Angels 3 Tigers 5

It was fun while it lasted. The sight of the Angles blowing yet another lead should be pro forma at this point. I don't why the recent winning streak (Four WHOLE games!!) lulled me into thinking they had suddenly righted the ship. The fact is this is a really top heavy team that was doomed from the start by an unhealthy reliance on a relief corp that was either too young or too old, with little in the middle. This is not something that can be fixed with just 40 some games left, so we will all just have to continue to watch games between our fingers.

Angels 3 Tigers 5

Game Notes

– Nice outing by Dan Haren tonight. For one night at least, Haren seemed to rediscover his split finger fastball enroute 7 strikeout in 5 2/3 innings. Add that to the rest of the staff starting to roll again (except for the black hole known as CJ Wilson), and the pitching seems solid from here on out.

– Shh, no one wake Vernon Wells out of whatever trance he has been put under that has led to him acting like a major league ball player. Another homerun for VW and he even looked good in the field. Tip-Toe, Tip-Toe, Tip-Toe…

– At least for me, Garrett Richards is being set up for the fall. A starter by trade always has trouble converting to reliever, espcially a young guy. To ask him to come in theses pressure situations is insane. But that should give you some indication about the state of the bullpen these days.

Halo A Hole

Game Recap 8/25/12 -- The Bullpen Strikes Again -- Angels 3 Tigers 5

Wait, what I need to put a bullpen together as well. Isn't signing Albert and CJ enough? You can't blame me for this pile of dung I inherited from Tony Reagins and expect miracles in one season? What's that…that is what you want? Damn.

Seriously though, shouldn't a guy that was relief pitcher put a bit more stock into the value of a solid bully?

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