Game Recap 8/3/12 — Throwing it All Away — Angels 6 White Sox 8

Watching the Angels that last few nights has been an execise in self torture. It’s like some sort of sick game you play with yourself. You’re not sure where the heartache will come from but you are sure it’s coming. Tonight the once reliable pitching staff managed to throw up frizbee after frizbee and the White Sox hitters capitalized. This pitching breakdown comes when the offense seems to have found it’s groove after their own struggles. See, frustrating isn’t it?

Angels 6 White Sox 8

Game Notes
— The bullpen was a mixed bag tonight. Jepsen and Isringhausen were solid again but Takahashi and Carpenter were mediocre to awful. Maybe Carp should have tried to hitch a ride to AAA on that homer he gave up to lose the game.
— I’m starting to wonder if Albert Pujols may not be as clutch as we thought. It seems that every chance he has had to get that big hit has come up short and his homers come when the team is already leading. This is something that bares watching.
— I’m not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but it does seem the Umps have it out for the Halos lately. The strike zone seemed to expand as the game went on (but only for the home team). Add that to the blown call in the first that would have gotten the Angels out of the inning with minimal damage and you have to at least raise an eyebrow at the role the boys in blue have been playing lately.

Halo A Hole
 Game Recap 8/3/12 -- Throwing it All Away -- Angels 6 White Sox 8
A lot of experts will tell you that trades often don’t lead to the results you would expect. So far, the Grienke deal has not added to the Halo win total. Tonight’s loss would seem to fall on his shoulders since he gave up a sick amount of hits. For a ground ball pitcher he sure had the ball up a lot tonight. Here’s hoping Zack gets it together in a hurry or the Angels will have given up a lot for a seat wathcing the post-season.

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