Game Recap 8/4/12 — The Catch 2: Trout’s Revenge — Angels 6 White Sox 5

It’s nice to take a breath every once and awhile. Unfortunately the Angels seem hell bent on making their fans hold their breaths every game. For the fourth night in a row the Angels had a lead and lost it late. But this time the Halos overcame their own issues and cam back to win in extra innings. The game highlighted all the is both right and wrong with this team. It affirmed what we all believe, that they are capable of winning but often time are their own worst enemy.

Angels 6 White Sox 5

Game Notes
— Ervin Santana was ok tonight. Outside of giving up a couple of homeruns, Santana was about what you would expect from a fifth starter. He kept his team in the game and was in line for the win. The frustrating part of this is that we know he can be a lot more, but we might as well settle for what he was tonight.
— Memo to Jerry DiPoto: Just cut Vernon Wells. No one will blame you; you didn’t bring him here. Dude hasn’t got a hit since he came back of the DL. Not sure why Scioscia keeps putting him out there but he has got to go. 
— The bullpen continues to be a leaking sieve of runs. Tonight’s perpetrator was the usually reliable LaTroy Hawkins. At least Jepsen and Frieri were solid. But this is clearly the issues going forward. Let’s see if JeDi picks someone off of waivers or makes a late night trade for some help.
— There is no more frustrating player on the Angels right now than Howie Kendrick. He has now hit into 18 double plays that have often killed rallies and left Angel fans screaming at the television. Tonight he came through with the game winner so that’s something I guess.

Halo Hero
Game Recap 8/4/12 -- The Catch 2: Trout's Revenge -- Angels 6 White Sox 5
How awesome was that catch? Did you see the way he floated across the field? The way he timed it and leaped like a wide receiver hauling in a pass? Oh yeah, Mike Trout also got a couple of hits and scored two runs. Just another day at the office…             

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