Game Recap 8/8/12: Happy Birthday to us!! – Athletics 10 Angels 4

Today is Mike Trout’s 21st birthday, and since he’s accomplished so much as a Major Leaguer already I think this is no time to get “down” because the Angels lost one measly game to the A’s. I mean, they did get smashed on….and C.J Wilson looked pretty foolish out there.

and the Angels lost a game in the standings.

and Trumbo is still riddled in a horrible slump.

Makin’ it pretty hard for me to feel good there….

Angels 4 Athletics 10

Game Recap

  • The mysterious curse on the Angels starting rotation has seemed to finally gobbled up C.J Wilson as well, previously one of the more reliable starters on the team Wilson has seen his ERA balloon up to 3.34 after a bad month and terrible start tonight in which he gave up 8 ER across 5 IP. Wilson’s control issues seemed to get worse after his closed door meeting with Scioscia about his efficiency issues. My theory is that he’s starting to feel some pressure from the team, maybe because of their inability to hit consistently or the bullpen’s vulnerability to a big inning. If the rest of the team shapes up maybe C.J can feel a little less weighted by the pressure and begin to pitch free and easy again, though I don’t hold much hope for this since the starting pitching has been struggling all year round.
  • Mike Trout’s 21st birthday! Woooo!!! But he celebrated with a 1-5 game? That doesn’t seem like Trout at all. Oh wait, one of those hits happened to be of the longball variety, his 20th of the season. Now he’s the 5th player in Major League history to hit a homerun on his 21st birthday and the first rookie to have a 20HR/30SB season. Let’s hope that his performance doesn’t drop off after today, lest we have to face some crazy theories as to why it happened.
  • This bullpen is tragic. Takahashi had probably the best inning pitched out of a reliever in god knows how many days. That’s how sorry of a state this bullpen is. I’m getting sad just thinking about it. 

Halo Hero

Mike Trout

Uh-oh. I know you just turned 21 today and all, but you don’t think you’re hitting the booze a little too hard there? Hope this doesn’t turn into a habit now.

The cross-dressing I mean, not the alcohol. You can show up to your games as drunk as you want I don’t care, but dear god as soon as you start showing up in drag I’ll never be able to talk about you in front of my friends again. Unless you win MVP, then I can have something to fall back on.

Douchey Dodger Fan: “Pshhh, Angel fans….your best player wears women’s clothing. What does that say about your team?”

Clever and ever so handsome me: “Matt Kemp still isn’t MVP.”


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